Εnemy at the Gates (2001)

imagesenemy3gatesΔύο άνθρωποι. Δύο εχθροί; Tαινιάρα με Εντ Χάρις και Τζούντ Λο να παίζουν τα ρέστα τους.

enemy-at-the-gatesEd Harris as Major Konig (mit Umlaut)

duell-enemy-at-the-gatesJude Law as Vassili Zaitsev

enemy_at_the_gates_01_641x383Joseph Fiennes as Commisar Danilov

جندي أمريكي (3)Rachel Weisz as Tania Chernova


General Paulus: »My army is not designed for this kind of fighting. Yesterday, yet again I had to promote 25 sergeants to replace the officers shot down by the sharpshooters.

Those snipers are demoralising my people…»


ed harris erwin konig heinz thorvald german sniper enemy at the gates stalingradfhd001eag_rachel_weisz_005