Terminator Salvation (H Σωτηρία)


Marcus Wright:   What day is it? What year?

Kyle Reese:           2018.

Marcus Wright:   What happened here?

Kyle Reese:           Judgment Day happened.

article-0-05202F88000005DC-108_468x741The fourth film of the Terminator in the only Christian Bale.200_stdkr_baleAnd of course the best Batman.fhd009TRS_Bryce_Dallas_Howard_007terminator-salvation

Marcus Wright: [thinking] What is it that makes us human? It’s not something you can program. You can’t put it into a chip. It’s the strength of the human heart. The difference between us and machines.

John Connor: There is a storm on the horizon. A time of hardship and pain. This battle has been won, but the war against the machines races on. Skynet’s global network remains strong, but we will not quit, until all of it is destroyed. This is John Connor. There is no fate, but what we make.

Marcus Wright: My name is Marcus Wright.

John Connor: You think you’re human?

Marcus Wright: I am human.