
Seven-movie-image-3Το σενάριο του Αndrew Kevin Walker δίνει ρέστα. Δεν υπάρχουν πολλά λόγια για το Seven. Απλά δείτε το (1995).

sevenThe rain never stops, only Sunday where all clean. Loved the atmosphere created by David Fincer (The film highlighted the directorial talent).

seven_000Brad Pitt in the first important steps, role of the match.

seven51Morgan Freeman a man knows. The presence of the film, dynamic as ever.

John Doe

John Doe

and Kevin Spacey: No comments

SEVENDavid Mills & Detective William Somerset

William Somerset: You know this isn’t gonna have a happy ending.
David Mills: Hey man, if we catch him, I’ll be happy enough.
S: …He’s just a man.
M: You know, see, you bitch and you complain and you tell me these things-if you think you’re preparing me for hard times, thank you, but…
S: But you got to be a hero? You want to be a champion. Well, let me tell you, people don’t want a champion. They wanna eat cheeseburgers, play the lotto and watch television.
M: Hey, how did you get like this? I wanna know.
S: Well, it wasn’t one thing, I can tell you that.
M: Go on.
S: I just don’t think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was a virtue!
M: You’re no different. You’re no better.
S: I didn’t say I was different or better. I’m not! Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is a solution. I mean it’s easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It’s easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It’s easier to beat a child (or to kill) than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work.
M: We are talking about people who are mentally ill. We are talking about people who are fucking crazies.
S: No. No, we’re not. We’re talking about everyday life here. You-you can’t affort to be this naive!
M: Fuck off. See, you should listen to yourself. Yeah. You say that the problem with people is that they don’t care, so I don’t care about people. It makes no sense. You know why?
S: You care?
M: Damm right.
S: And you gonna make a difference?
M: Whatever. The point is that I don’t think you are guitting because you believe these things you say. I don’t. I think you wanna believe them because you’re guitting. You want me to agree with you, and you want me to say, »Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re right. It’s all fucked up. It’s a fucking mess. We should all go live in a fucking log cabin. »But I won’t. I won’t say that. I don’t agree with you. I do not. I can’t. (pays already…Gentleman)
Movie 1995. The dialogue is impactful. The realist and optimist. Personally I agree with Mills but the evil always lurking. Reality.

995SVN_Gwyneth_Paltrow_012Gwyneth Paltrow as Tracy.
