The Rock


A Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer production.img_2_prGeneral Frank Hummeld95800548a570fb7755c965a67d92fcc155304edharrisrockAlcatrazalcatrazMarinesthe-rock-14945529994Coffee0802Sean Connery as John Patrick MasonThe-Rock-Sean-Connery-Nicolas-Cage-Ed-Harris-80_midi002096Nicolas Cage as Dr. Stanley GoodspeedThe_Rock_(film_1996)Welcome to The Rock!25»General, sir.»

General Hummel: Did they bother to tell you who I am and why I’ m doing this or are they just using you like they do everybody else?

John Mason: All I know is that you were big in Vietnam, I saw the highlights on television.therockr1critpic1AlcatrazIsland_TheRock

General Hummel: Then you probably have no idea what it means to lead some of the finest men on God’s earth into combat and then watch their memories get betrayed by their own fucking government.

0801John Mason: I don’t quite see how you cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million. And, this is not combat, It’s an act of lunacy, General Sir. Personally, I think you ‘re a fucking idiot.

General Hummel: »The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants». Thomas Jefferson.

John Mason: »Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious,» according to Oscar Wilde.

[ Hummel strikes him, and he falls to his knees]

John Mason: Thank you for making my point.2376724,Et+mXQxmf133BJLjSyMaNupE14LLyDQ2rWo3fLSS4+k3yT0CcOGfb6Gf8IFod5N+WaaOen8ziJMaAFgjMT0NlA==Picture 25We have green smoke!screenshot-med-34The-Rock


One of the best movie (1996) scenes! Στην πραγματικότητα βέβαια δεν μπορεί να συμβεί αυτό. Ο »ανιχνευτής» ασφαλίζει πρώτα τον χώρο. Όταν είναι σίγουρος δίνει το okay (watch the dvd)

Drop your weapons!

General Hummel: Major Anderson, if you have any concern for the lives of your men, you will order them to safety their weapons and place them on the deck.

Agent Paxton: This is not happening…


Commander Anderson: Sir, we know why you ‘re out here. God knows, I agree with you. But like you, I swore to defend this country against all enemies, foreign, sir…and domestic. General, we ‘ve spilled the same blood in the same mud. And you know god damm well I can’t give that order.

Navy SEAL: We ‘re dead!

General Hummel: Your unit is covered from an elevated position, Commander. I’m not gonna ask you again. Don’t do anything stupid. No-one has to die here.

Commander Anderson: [ raising his voice] You men following the General: you ‘re under oath as United States Marines, have you forgotten that? We all have shipmates we remember, some of them were shit on and pissed on by the Pentagon. But that doesn’t give you the right to mutiny!

General Hummel: You call it what you want! You ‘re down there, we ‘re up here! You walked into the wrong goddamn room, Commander!the_rock_PDVD_005criterion

Frank Hummel: No benefits were payed to their families. No medals conferred. These men died for their country and they weren’ t even given a goddamn military burial. This situation is unacceptable.

